Add wBNB, STAG & STAG-wBNB LP on MetaMask
If you can't see the wBNB, STAG or STAG-wBNB LP tokens, follow the steps below to add tokens to your MetaMask
Open Metamask
Click on "Add Token" under the Assets tab
Select "Custom Token"
Input desired token address in the address field (the Token Symbol and Decimals of Precision will be auto-generated once you input the Token Contract Address)
wBNB token: 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c
STAG token: 0x0B7c5135CB028f12eDbd3E3c5C8bF6d7C31FAe48
PancakeSwap v2 STAG-wBNB LP token: 0xf8433afc00cf1395eec77b7fc3b5eabc56a2f37b
Click "Next"
Click "Add Tokens"
You should now see the token balance in your MetaMask
Last updated
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