Acquiring STAG-wBNB LP
A PancakeSwap STAG-wBNB LP token acts as proof that you are a liquidity provider to the STAG-wBNB pool on PancakeSwap. You stake it on our platform to earn STAG rewards. Do note that PCS now has two versions - STAG-wBNB LP is a version 2 token.
Follow the steps below to acquire PCSv2 STAG-wBNB LP tokens:
Click on "Add Liquidity"
If STAG tokens cannot be found on the list, search for STAG tokens by its contract address:
Click "Unlock Wallet"
You may have to wait up to 30 seconds for your balance to be loaded
Specify the amount of wBNB / STAG you wish to add to the liquidity pool
Click "Supply"
After clicking "Confirm", you should get a pop-up notification in your MetaMask to accept the transaction
Wait for the transaction to be processed
Once the transaction has gone through, you should receive the STAG-wBNB LP token in your wallet. You can then follow the steps here to stake the STAG-wBNB LP token.
Last updated
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